Thursday, May 22, 2008

The Lost Week

Hello again, Hello...hum Neil Diamond now while you are reading...

(Hey does anyone know how to add music to your posts? I don't want one of those Itunes like things you put on your side bar...I just want to be able to put a player for one song in the actual that possible?)

It's been a while since I've made my presence on the blogosphere known...have you missed me?

What have I been up to?

1. Remember when I said I had a cold...then I went to Salt Lake? Well...somehow the cold didn't go away and I got a big old sinus infection. First antibiotic wasn't working and I finally got on another one that started working quickly...I felt like a human again the next day. During the acute time of pain...I couldn't think very well and didn't get much done.

2. Another "fun" project has been grading Junior Honors papers - the good news is...some of them were good. Others...not so good. (Let me remind you again here...I am not a high school teacher...I help a high school teacher by doing some of the grading/reviewing of papers to help a high school English teacher out. Grading papers is the very reason why I did not get a degree in Secondary Ed. - English). Since I had the sinus infection... I was really behind on grading papers. I had to really hunker down and grade whenever I had a moment to do so...which meant I had to give up blogging for a few days. I finally finished the papers last night late and felt an enormous weight lift off my shoulders.

3. Big Sis has been taking dance this year. Seriously folks...she's been dancing since before she was born. She's also always been a big ham and loved to perform for people. So I was totally shocked a few months ago when she emphatically stated that she did not want to perform in the dance recital and that she suffered from a condition called, "stage fright" (I only learned yesterday that the dance teacher herself had introduced this term to the class). I have been praying and hoping and praying and trying to get this little girl happy about the upcoming dance recital. Why? Because I knew she would truly love doing it...if only she would try. We talked about it, we prayed about it, I bribed her with promises of a special party and a prize for giving it a shot. She still wasn't convinced and was as insistent as ever. Finally her dad helped her to feel a bit of excitement about the prospect which lasted up until the dress rehearsal at which point she wasn't sure that she would do it after all. Well...the big recital was last Saturday (with the dress rehearsal on Friday afternoon). I'm very happy to announce that Big Sis was a big hit & she found that she truly does love dancing for an audience and that her mom was right about it all.

4. The last day of preschool was today. We've been getting ready for Big Sis to relive the glory of the dance recital in a more intimate form...the preschool parent program. Last year, at her program...she really was scared stiff and wasn't able to do any of the little things she had prepared. This year...with the happy memories of the recital still swimming around her little head...her courage never faltered. Okay...maybe she felt a little scared for a second or two at the beginning, but I was so proud of the way she pucked it up and kept going.

5. We are also gearing up for birthday season at our house. Big Sis will celebrate her 5th birthday next week and Baby Boy's big #2 is 11 days later. This means it's time to get serious about planning the birthday parties. I've been working on the invitations and now I just have to get everything else done. Big Sis' has requested a cowboy party and so it shall be. So...does anybody have any good ideas of how to go about finding some hay bales in Arizona?

Aside from all of these events...I also have a husband who is finished with school for the summer (sort of...he still has to practice and do research and take German and that stuff...but it's not like a regular semester) and spends more time at home. And...I like him so much that I like spending time with him, which has also cut down on my blogging time.

Those, faithful readers, are my excuses for this week without posts. And that is all I'm going to say about that...At least until tomorrow or something...


Richelle said...

About the music, I don't know that I have ever seen that. I would say YouTube.

I'm sorry you have been not feeling well. My immune system went into overload as soon as I got pregnant and I got a cold. Now I just feel pregnant (nauseous and tired).

I'm so glad Big Sis actually danced in her recital. I remember her saying months ago that she wasn't going to. Tell her I am proud of her.

Have fun with hubby home more. :) Summer doesn't mean much when your hubby has a job like mine.

Traci said...

Those are some good excuses for not blogging - I guess I'll forgive you :). I'm thrilled to hear that Big Sis did so well at her dance recital! Hooray! What a relief. You must have been so proud of her!

raybee... said...

Nice to have you back!! Glad you're feeling better.

Laurie said...

You can probably do one of those project playlists and just put one song on it and embed it in your text. I'm not sure. You could go into the help board and search it and see if someone else has asked the same question. Usually someone has and then there are really smart people who have answers.

June starts up my kids' birthday's also. It's like a marathon to get through them all and then I'm sick of cake and parties until next year. Not a clue about the haybales. My dad has some here in Idaho I'd loan ya. google it! Hope your feeling better! It's tough on everyone when the mom gets sick. And enjoy your hubby! I remember the school days. Summers were always a welcomed time. Do you have any fun plans?

Cheryl said...

At least you have good excuses. When I stop blogging for a time, it's always because I have writer's block. Or something. :)

I'm glad the program and recital went well! Here's to hoping the birthday party will be a success.

Amanda said...

YAY for hubbys being home more! I definitely identify with you on that one.

Good for Big Sis for dancing in her recital! I, too, was a "danced before she was born" kind of person. Unfortunately, the body I was blessed with wasn't cut out of the "Prima Ballerina" mold. But, I still love to dance when I get the chance.

As for the hay bales...have you tried calling the dairies in the area? (And, by in the area, I mean Gilbert...and further south.) It might be a little difficult to find them this time of year, though.

RoeH said...

I was over to Rustic Hutch this morning on Gilbert/Baseline and saw a black wooden cut-out of the words Live Laugh Love. Thought of your blog. That's a fun shop.

RoeH said...

#5: There's a feed store on Broadway west of Horne somewhere in there on the north side. Bet they'd have bales.

Leslie said...'re a life saver. I hadn't even thought of a feed store...I'll check that one out! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!

Hillary said...

I've had tons of lost weeks lately, and I don't even have any good excuses for it!

Beeswax said...

Some friends have a hay barn next to the new mall (west side of Higley) on Williams field and Higley? It doesn't look like a place you could buy hay, but you actually can.

Leslie said...

Thanks Beeswax! Appreciate the tip!