Thursday, April 10, 2008

Project Put-Away

Yes friends...there are just some things I am very good at not projects that take lots of time. Procrastination is something that I have become quite good at over the years. Most of the time, I just like to get things done, but there are some tasks that just seem so big, so overwhelming, so daunting...that I just don't get them done...until something happens to force me to move past those feelings and get the task done.

One of Baby Boy's favorite activities has been pulling out all of the DVDs and Videos we own and dumping them on the floor. Recently he has figured out that he now has the dexterity to open DVD cases and because he can get them open...he should, of course, pull the DVD out of its case. This has been bugging me, but I really didn't know where I was going to put the DVDs if I changed their location. So yesterday, the inevitable happened...Baby Boy snapped a DVD in two while trying to pull it out of the case. Luckily it was Finding Nemo and our copy actually had two for WS and one for FS...he broke the WS version (which stinks because WS is my preferred format). Baby Boy was very relieved to learn that he could still watch "Fishies."

Fearing another broken DVD, I decided it was time to find a new home up, up and away for the DVDs. The only place I could imagine actually putting the DVDs that would be high enough and also with descent access would be the PAX (one of the wonderful organizational wonders from IKEA) unit we have on the wall of the "great room."

For some time I have also needed to go through 'the PAX' (as I like to call it) and reorganize and de-junk. So...the task was now took me most of the day, but at the end of the day (and with a little help from my handy hubby, who came home early from school) ... here are the results.

Yes...the DVDs are high enough that the kids will have to get my help to get them down. Even if they opt to get up on a chair and try their luck without me...I'll still be able to hear what they are doing. :)

Do you not love the organization????

As I cleaned out the PAX...I came across a project that I had from a Relief Society Super Saturday from about 2 years ago that I had never done. Feeling that I could accomplish just about anything at this point...I decided to finish one more unfinished project. Wouldn't you know that after I finished applying the last of the lettering, I realized that I had put the letters on upside down...that is, if I wanted to hang it with the handy hanger thingy that was already pounded into the back. It's a good thing I know how to use pliers!

Now, if I can just get myself motivated to go in the front room and clean out the cupboards in there...we'll really be doing well...Hmmm...maybe tomorrow :)


Richelle said...

I love all your stuff from IKEA. What great organization. It's so nice to get something like that accomplished. I feel like I have so many unfinished projects like that.

An Ordinary Mom said...

Congrats on finishing some overdue projects ... I am the same way, but I am happy to report I got some things done this week, too :) !!

Anonymous said...

I LOVE organization, nice work!

Ice Cream said...

We have been going through the exact same thing with our 3 year old. And she thinks the DVDs make great frisbees and flings them all over the place. Sadly I have no where to put them so I shoved them all into a plastic tub and am waiting till I find something that will work for me.

Your sign looks great. And the upside down thing is so something I would do. =)

Jeanette said...

OK, I lied. I am commenting again. My son used to always get into the DVDs until one day he broke one. I did not let him watch a DVD or cartoon for almost a week. He has never touched a DVD since! :-)He will open the case for me but will not touch the actual DVD.